Why take a paternity test? Read it here

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Why take a paternity test? That is a question that many people have when they see it again on the internet. A paternity test can bring clarity to who is really the father of a child. Many mothers and alleged fathers find this very important and of course it is. A relationship between child and father can only improve by having more certainty about this. For many mothers, the question is who is really the biological father. This can be the case after giving birth, but of course also during pregnancy. A paternity test provides more clarity and can be ordered online. Do you want to know how a paternity test works? And what a legal paternity test entails? In this article, we will go into detail, so you will know all about it.

How does a paternity test work?

You can easily order a paternity test on the internet and have it delivered to your home. During pregnancy, it is very important not to use it until after 8 weeks of pregnancy. This is because then you know for sure that the result is correct, and you can take this for granted. The paternity test does not pose any risk to the pregnancy or the mother of the child. You do have to take DNA samples from the child and from the alleged father. When you do it during a pregnancy, blood has to be taken from the mother. The mother’s blood contains the DNA of the unborn child. The father has to extract the DNA from the inside of his cheek with a cotton swab. These DNA samples are sent to the lab where they are further examined.

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Legal paternity test

It is also possible that the judge wants you to have a paternity test done. This is slightly different than a normal paternity test, and here it is important that the DNA samples are taken by an independent person. The judge often appoints who should do this, and often this is a family doctor or a nurse. The results of a legal paternity test are also sent to the judge. The judge eventually makes a decision and tells the court who the biological father of the child is. This often happens in divorces and has a lot to do with alimony for the unborn child. The legal paternity test can also be ordered online and will be delivered to the person that will take the DNA samples.

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