Headache Basics – Causes and Treatment

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Headache Basics – Causes and Treatment

Pain in the head is known as a headache. The scientific name for the condition is cephalalgia. Headaches are one of the most frequently reported conditions. In fact, it is estimated that everyone experiences mild to severe headache at some point in his or her life. Pain during a headache is experienced in one or more parts of the head as well as the back of the neck. The pain may be experienced in the nerves extending over the scalp and specific nerves located in the face, mouth and throat. Besides, the muscles of the head and the blood vessels located on the surface and base of the brain too may become painful.

Types of headache

The International Headache Society lists more than 150 types of headaches. The majority of the headaches can be classified as either primary (not caused by an underlying condition) or secondary (caused by other factors such as injury or infection). Tension headaches, migraines and cluster headaches are among the most common types of primary headaches. While being painful and annoying, the majority of headaches subsides on their own or may be relieved by over-the-counter painkiller medicines and/or changes in lifestyle.

Causes of headache

Researchers are still not clear about the causes of headaches; however, they have identified a number of causes as well as potential causes. Some of the most commonly reported causes of headaches include stress and fatigue, tension, migraine, musculo-skeletal conditions, hyper-mastication, eyestrain, dehydration, low blood sugar, migraine, viral infection and sinusitis. In rare cases, headaches may be caused due to life-threatening conditions such as brain tumours, meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral aneurysms and extremely high blood pressure. Headaches may also occur because of head injury. Women may experience headaches and even migraines due to fluctuating estrogens level during menstrual years.

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Headache treatment

In most cases, headaches subside on their own without any treatment. However, to get an early relief you can take help of massage or herbal remedies. If this does not help, you can take help of non-prescription painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen. Sufferers of chronic headaches may need to consult a doctor for stronger prescription medicines to get relief from headache. Apart from giving you medications, your doctor may suggest you to keep a headache diary wherein you would be asked to make a note of when the pain started and how long it lasted. You will also be required to note down any additional factors such as what you ate, drank, weather conditions, sleeping patterns and details about your periods if you are a woman. The diary will help you to identify your headache triggers. You can learn to avoid these triggers and thereby reduce the frequency of your headaches.

Those who suffer from headaches frequently can also take the help of advanced drug-free headache therapies such as Cefaly electrotherapy device. Cefaly is a medically proven device that emits electronic impulses to your nerves that cause pain and provide you with drug-free relief from headaches. A regular use of Cefaly can also help to reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches.

In addition, you can take the help of a detox foot spa such as BioEnergiser Classic Detox Foot Spa and BioEnergiser Professional Detox Foot Spa. These home use detox foot spas relieve your body of toxins that may cause you headaches and migraines. With regular use of the detox foot spa, you’ll notice a considerable reduction in the intensity and frequency of your headaches

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