Laser Comb – Should You Consider and Include As Part of Your Hair Loss Treatment?

Whole Food Vitamins

Low level laser therapy usually abbreviated ‘LLLT’ refers to the application of red-beam or near infrared lasers to treat a variety of medical conditions. Low level laser therapy is also known as cool laser, software laser or therapeutic laser therapy.
The effectiveness of laser therapy depends on the intensity, color of the light (wavelength) and total energy delivered. ‘LLLT’ usually have wave length in the range of 600 to 1000 nanometer and power ranging from 5 to 500 ‘milliwatts’.
This technique has been used to speed up wound healing, relieve pain, nerve regeneration, skin diseases and a variety of ‘musculo’ skeletal conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It has been used to treat hair loss with limited success. Some dermatologist believe this technique enable low-level laser to penetrate deeply into the tissues and provide ‘photobiostimulation’ effect.
Hair that falls out and is not replaced by any new hairs leads to increased appearance of bald spots or thinning. Proponents of such technique believe laser promotes healthy hair growth and accelerate the increase of hair shaft diameter of miniaturized hair affected by genetic male and female pattern hair loss in some patients.
The light source or photon release energy when it make contact with the skin. The light particle energy disperse on the skin is absorbed by the micro molecules within the cells. These micro molecules are called ‘mitochondria’ and is made up of complex tiny membrane enclosed structure that exists in the cells.
‘Mitochondria’ are also known as factory or powerhouse of the cells because they produce the energy required to trigger various cellular and physiological functions, some of which associated with pain relief, cell rejuvenation and healing of injuries.
These factories are mainly responsible for providing most of the required chemical compound to convert energy for the cells (ATP). ATP is the chemical responsible for energy release within cells. Lasers are believed to trigger the conversion of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) to ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) resulting in the releasing of energy which thereafter trigger cellular metabolic changes.
The light source can be directly expose to the scalp by means of positioning of a portable mechanical device equipped with light source such as a hand-held laser comb. Some dermatologist believe such device may help to energize hair and increase the blood circulation around the base of the papilla which in turn stimulates the scalp cells to accelerate hair growth. As a result, hair will flourish and becomes thicker, stronger and healthier.
Is low-level laser therapy as that used in laser comb truly effective in stimulating hair re-growth as claimed by some? After all there are various factors that contributes to thinning of hair thus it is not likely that this type of treatment alone could deliver the expected results.
Skeptics claimed that there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that low-level laser therapy prevents hair loss or restores lost hair. Some experts point out that the low-level power of the laser produced by laser comb is not able to penetrate deep enough into the skin to reach the hair follicles. Thus many dermatologist conclude hair regrowth using laser comb is simply not effective or useless.
Proponents of ‘LLLT’ high lighted the fact that FDA gave the clearance on the marketing of hand-held laser comb such as the ‘HairMax’ and this prove that hair loss treatment using light therapy is not a scam or useless.
Those who suffered more progressive balding problem may have difficulty getting obvious positive results with laser comb. Hair regrowth takes time therefore ongoing use of it for at half a year is recommended before its visible effectiveness can be determined.
If you do not suffer from any abnormal hair loss problem or experiencing mild hair lost condition then the laser comb can be use as good preventive tool to give your hair additional better chance of not falling out prematurely. After all there is no unwanted side effects and therefore no harm in trying it.
Laser comb can be use as preventive or complimentary treatment measure to increase the density and volume of hair as well as to normalize the scalp.
In summary a multi-pronged approach involving a combination of hair loss treatments will give you a strong fighting chance to deal with balding. A holistic treatment should preferably include a well balance nutrition diet, adopting basic hair care, scalp massage, achieving hormone balance, using FDA approved medication such as ‘Propecia’ and ‘Monoxidil’ and maintaining overall healthy life style.

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