Tips to Massage Away a Headache

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Tips to Massage Away a Headache

It must be so painful when you are getting headache. Some people feel as if their surroundings are rotating. It will be very uncomfortable if the headache comes in certain situation in which you have to do important occasion like meeting, examination, party, and so forth. However, there are several things that you can do to massage away your headache. Just follow some tips below.

As the first step, you should try to make yourself comfortable. You can lie back on the reclining chair or sofa. This will help you to feel comfortable.

The second step that you should do to massage away your headache is to dim the lights. You should avoid the bright light because it can intensify the headache.

The third step is to start massaging the areas around and above your ears. You can do it by placing your hands on either side of your head. By using the pads of your fingers, you can start to gently press down and then move back the skin and forth about one inch.

The fourth step that you need to do is to move your scalp rather than to slide your fingers across your skin. After that, you can start to place the pads of your fingers on your temples. Then, you should gently press down and then move your fingers in the small circles.

The fifth step is to repeat the previous technique on the back part of your neck. It is important for you to particularly pay attention to the area at the base of the skull.

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The last step is to continue massaging your scalp in this way until you can cover your entire head. So, by following some easy tips above, now you can massage away your headache easily. Or, if the techniques cannot work to alleviate your headache, you can go to your doctor so that he will give you the right medicine for the headache.

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