Problem of Hair Loss


Hair is part of the body that can attract anyone’s attention for the first time. So, it was natural for all people, especially women if the hair is always trying to look better. Unfortunately, our hair can not meet our expectations every day to always look beautiful in the eyes. There are many factors that make our hair look dull sometimes, but with regular maintenance annoying things can be avoided.
You need to know there are some important factors that affect the beauty of hair. In fact, the characteristics of a person’s hair depends on several factors, which carried by factors such as heredity. Several genetic factors are responsible for how your hair looks. Not only that, the hormone levels also have the same effect much. And more than that, the environment, particularly air and water also has an effect that is not less important in our hair every day. That is why, every person had a bad day with the annoying hair situation. However, with a little care, you can say goodbye on a bad day with a limp and dull hair. But this is not a permanent thing that happens in one work, you need to do treatment gradually from day to day to get shiny hair.
Here are some tips for hair care:
– Live healthy. If you smoke, you begin to stop this habit. Perform regular exercise, eating foods with balanced nutrition and use relaxation techniques to relieve stress.
– Try to always sleep deeply every night. Manage your stress, because it can cause your sleep disturbed, and no blood circulation smoothly make your hair so dull.
– If you use products hairdressers and cosmetics, avoid products made from alcohol in high concentrations. Do not apply directly hairdressers products in the scalp, it can cover the pores on your head, where it can damage your scalp and your hair.
– If you like to swim, before swimming, wet your hair first with plain water. Swimming pool water is usually mixed with chlorine, which is certainly not good for hair.
– Use a hair dryer with a cold setting. Hot air from the dryers can make hair dry and damaged. Use a hair dryer evenly, rather than constantly in one place. Before using the hair dryer, hair brush wet with a dry towel first, then use a hair dryer to dry the half-dry.
– Use a comb made of wood, is a good material to keep your hair does not easily fall out. Always use a clean comb to comb it wash you with soap or shampoo on a regular basis.
– Choose a shampoo with the best quality. Use trial and error method in selecting shampoo, and select the most appropriate for your hair.

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