Weight Loss – The Gentle Way to Lose the Weight Gained During Your Pregnancy


New moms always discuss the ways and means of weight loss after childbirth. This is an important issue, and you will be amazed what new moms put themselves through to get back to their pre-pregnant bodies. Remember, not all diets will work for everyone so you will have to find one that actually suits you.
Firstly you need to acknowledge that the weight you now want to lose took at least nine months to gain, and a normal person cannot lose that amount overnight. Unlike all the movie stars you see pregnant today and skinny tomorrow (within days), we as average people do not have the finances to employ a personal nutritionist, trainer and of course a nanny.
As an everyday mom we do not have the time to spend hours training while the nanny takes care of the new baby. Moms tend to have so much to do, like the laundry, cooking, fetching children, paying bills and generally running the entire household. So remember all you new moms out there, losing the weight you gained will take a little longer. But once you are back into your favorite skinny jeans it will all be worth it.
It is also very important not to cut out too many calories. As you will still need some extra energy as a new mum. This is very important for breastfeeding moms too. If you are not eating properly your baby will not get the right nutrition from the breast milk. Make sure you eat the right types of food and the right amount as well. Yes, I know we are trying to lose weight here and here, I am advising you to eat between 1000 and 2000 calories a day. Remember you will be pretty tired after a long night with the baby, and energy is really important.
So even though you cannot lower your calorie intake by much, and the doctor has told you to take it easy for six weeks, this does not mean that you cannot do any form of exercise. You can start slowly, by taking long strolls with your baby for example. This will get you into the fresh air, and help you burn off some calories. As the weeks go by you can start walking a little faster with the stroller, to get the heart pumping and the muscles working again. Remember moderate exercise helps boost your selfesteem and mental health as well.
When you finally go for your six weeks checkup, you can also ask your doctor for some advice on how to lose the weight if you feel the need. But by now you should already be losing the weight as you exercise and eat healthily. Remember to avoid supplements and diet pills at this time, unless prescribed by your doctor.
So basically you just need to be a little patient, and to take a healthy approach to your weight loss after the birth. This will help get you back to your normal weight. Do it correctly, and don’t go to extremes, and you will get back to your normal weight.

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