The Weight Loss Plateau – What is it and How to Get Around It

Healthcare Articles

If you listen to some experts you will find that there is a way that the body works where you get to a certain place in any weight loss plan and you are not able to lose any further weight. This is known as the weight loss plateau and can be a serious detriment to people trying to lose weight beyond a certain point. In this article I’m going to talk with you further about how to go beyond that weight loss plateau and lose that extra weight.
The human body is able to achieve just about anything, even things that are outside of the realm of things that science can understand. There is a willpower that athletes and highly trained individuals have which can take that person beyond an extreme point. This can even happen in the average person, for example, if they experience a severe accident of any type and are unable to walk. Those people are usually able to get to the point where they can walk again by going beyond what is normal. Many people look at these actual physical reactions to the body’s predicament as unfavorable. They consider the weight loss plateau as one of these situations, but it can be overcome.
In normal vocabulary a ‘plateau’ describes a situation where you cannot go beyond a certain point. In weight loss this plateau is a situation where your body is not able to lose further weight because you have reached the end, for the last tolerance that your body can achieve; for the method that you’re using to lose weight. Normally what happens is that your body adjusts its own metabolic rate to the situation that you have developed (using the weight loss, and/or exercise program that you’re working with). Many times you will find that diet plan will not even tell you about this plateau, because they don’t want you to know that you might get to that point. But there are ways that you can counteract your own body’s tolerance for the plan that you are working with to go beyond the plateau.
Your body and its metabolism likes to work within a pattern of natural adaptability. Your body likes to stay within that pattern, and when you change that pattern your body will adapt and try to maintain this new pattern that you present to it. So once you have followed a diet plan for some period of time, your body has adjusted to that, and eventually your body will fall into that pattern. Your body will not want to adapt or go further in achieving weight loss using that plan. So what you need to think about doing is tricking your metabolism, but without doing any harm to your body. What you will do is tell your metabolism that it’s time to follow a new pattern, so that you can lose further weight.
What are the best ways for tricking your body’s metabolism safely so that it will follow a new pattern and let you lose more weight? Here are some valuable ways that you can do that:
1. Adjust the time period between when you eat. As your body’s internal clock and digestive system gets changed, to follow this new eating pattern, it will again trick your body’s metabolism, allowing you to lose further weight in the diet or meal plan that you are working with. You can use anything such as changing the actual schedule of when you eat, or by adding more smaller meals. The main idea here is that your tricking the body into burning this food off faster because it’s happening at a different pace and you are then able to overcome the plateau.
2. Try adding strength training to your exercise program. As you are increasing the amount of exercise, the difficulty of exercise, or you are changing your exercise. These new movements are targeting different muscle areas which are causing your body to re-adapt to these new changes and your body will be busy adapting to those changes. It will lose track of the old pattern that it used to follow, allowing you it to switch to a new pattern, where more weight loss can begin. So changing up your exercise regimen: including strength training and/or adding strength training may do the trick.
Just keep in mind that one of these ideas might work for you and not for someone else, or that you may have to combine each of these two techniques to get beyond the plateau. Try one at a time to see if you can go beyond your plateau. If you cannot, then think about combining them. The most important point is to find a method that works for you; that works well, and consistently for your metabolism. Once you find that new way of breaking the old pattern you will be able to get beyond the weight loss plateau and lose additional weight.

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