ADHD A Growing Problem in The United States

General Article

One of the most common neurological diseases that are affecting children in the United States and around the globe is ADHD. The abbreviation ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The disease is when the child or individual has a low attention span, the inability to sit still, and a lack of self-control. This disease can really cause a strain on relationships, school, and the home environment.

Signs And Symptoms Of ADHD

Parents, teachers, and doctors should not misdiagnose children who are naturally active with ADHD because most kids naturally can’t sit still, don’t listen, and refuse to follow directions at times. The difference is that children with ADHD are doing these things on a consistent basis. There are three symptoms that the child with ADHD always experiences and they are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. The signs of inattentiveness that a parent or teacher should monitor for are absent mindedness, difficulty staying on task, and the child will never finish anything that he or she has started. Signs of hyperactivity are the child cannot sit still, the child cannot stay quiet, and the child can be very fidgety. Signs of impulsiveness is when the child cannot wait for things, they consistently interrupt people, and they do things without asking permission. The good thing is that this condition can be treated at some of the best treatment centers. It is extremely easy to find any online ADHD Help new york city ny care center.

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How to Treat ADHD

There is currently no cure available for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. All a parent can do is to seek treatment in order to manage the child’s symptoms. Individuals may seek behavioral treatment or prescription medication treatment. Unfortunately, most doctors and therapies choose to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with prescribing medication. There are alternative treatments such as SMR neurofeedback it is currently being used and is proven to be effective. You have organizations like the National Institute of Mental Health who recommend including other options in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. When it comes to prescribing a child ADHD medication the parent works hand-in-hand with the child’s doctor. Then they both can make the decision on what type of medication the child needs and also the time of day the child should be given the medication.

The Two Types of Medications Stimulant and Non-Stimulant

There are two types of medications that doctors and therapists use to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and they are called central nervous system stimulants and central nervous system non-stimulant medications. The central nervous system stimulants help a child to focus and concentrate better. This occurs because the medication increases the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. The most commonly use a central nervous system medication are Dexedrine, Desoxyn, and Ritalin. When a doctor or therapist prescribes a central nervous system, non-stimulant medication is usually when a child has had an adverse effect to a central nervous system stimulant medication. The central nervous system non-stimulant medication only increases the levels of norepinephrine in the brain. The most commonly used central nervous system non-stimulant medications are Strattera and Pamelor.

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