Hair Loss in Women – Uncovering Some Myths and Facts

Health Tips

When it comes to hair loss, most people think that it is a problem related, only to men. Do you know that more than 2/3rds of all women experience hair loss and undergo treatments for the same? The only difference between male and female hair fall is that in women, fall of hair doesn’t result in total baldness.

Before we discuss about the role of oestrogen in hair fall, you need to know the role of testosterones. Men with high testosterone levels experience more hair loss than men with lower levels of testosterone levels.

The Role of Oestrogen

Unfortunately, as far as the problem of fall of hair and baldness is concerned, the role of this hormone is still not clear. Physicians often prescribe both oral as well as topical oestrogens for this purpose but even with repeated studies, it’s still not been proven that oestrogen can treat hair fall and all other related problems.

Two Common types of Hair Losses in Women

These are androgenetic alopecia as well as alopecia areata. Before we elaborate on both these conditions, women need to know that they should be very careful while choosing oral methods to treat hair fall. Women with androgenic alopecia should stay away from using androgen or testosterone precursors.

Alopecia Areata

This immune disease is known to be affecting around 2% of the women in USA. This condition is equally severe in both men and women and will lead to hair loss in the form of:

Small patches of hair fall which may even regrow without having to undergo any kind of medical treatment and

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Extensive fall of hair, leading to baldness.

This condition can be treated with various therapies such as topical immunotherapy, glucocorticoids, anthralin or through the use of various bio-response modifiers. The mode of treatment will also depend on age and the intensity of hair fall.

Androgenetic Alopecia

It’s common in men and is referred to by the name of “male pattern baldness”. Women who suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome may develop this condition.

Myths and Facts

Myth – The problem of hair fall is inherited from males (father).

Fact – Genes of both parents are the factor.

Myth – Female pattern fall of hair is the cause of abnormal bleeding.

Fact – Menstruation as well as menstruation cycles are not the case for it.

Myth – Treatments require detailed hormonal evaluation.

Fact – It’s required if the subject is suffering from other problems such as infertility, irregular periods, cystic acne and glactorrhea.

Myth – Using hair care products like hair colour and frequent washing leads to hair fall.

Fact – Hair care products (besides some chemical products) do not catalyse fall hair.

We hope you found this article informative. For details on other hair fall diseases and complications, please visit the internet and make a search.

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