Weight Loss 2010

Health Store

Weight loss can be a difficult to achieve but by making some fundamental daily changes to your life you can bring about the results that you desire. First step is to find out your Body Mass Index number. Your BMI is a measure which takes into account a person’s weight and height to gauge total body fat in adults. Body Mass Index Categories are: Underweight =
Having checked your BMI, pick a target number where you would like to be at within the next 2 months. Next opt for a weight-loss program that is based on regular physical activity and an eating plan that is balanced, healthy, and easy to follow. No real point in taking some extreme diet for 4 weeks only to put the weight on again as soon as you stop the diet. Opt instead for a gradual weight loss that you can sustain while improving your overall fitness which in turn will have you feeling better about yourself. Stop make excuses that you don’t have the time, take the time, you are the most important person you know, so look after that person. Once you adopt such an approach you will feel better about everything you do and be better positioned to meet with the daily challenges that modern life brings.
We have outlined 10 items, which if you adopt, should help you lose weight as well as improving your general fitness and well being.
* Eat protein and fruit /or vegetables at every meal
* Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, one coffee per day if you must.
* 30 Minutes of exercise per day ( brisk walk, jog or cycle, etc)
* Take a daily Resveratrol capsule and a vitamin capsule if you have one
* Snack on unsalted nuts or fresh fruit if you need to.
* Cut out carbohydrates for first 2 weeks, smaller amounts for next 6 weeks
* Avoid dairy, soy, and grain products for the first three weeks
* Cut out processed foods such as biscuits and bars for 8 week
* Limit your time watching TV to one hour per day.
* Reduce drinking alcohol, one or two at the weekend if you must
We encourage taking a daily capsule of Resveratrol because it is seen as an appetite suppresser, due to its high antioxidant content, and it will also works to speed up your metabolism, burning off more calories.

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