3 Things That Will Not Help You Lose Weight Rapidly and Safely

Health News

You probably have seen those wonder drugs advertisements promising you weight loss of more than two pounds in a week without the need to exercise. Are you a victim of misleading rapid weight loss methods? Read on and find out if you are:
Diet Pills
If you ever took diet pills, you probably saw the effects of rapid weight loss on the scales but somehow, you felt and even looked the same way. The only change you felt was that you had less energy to do your usual activities. Once you discontinued the pills, you ballooned back to your old weight just as easily as you lost the pounds. The reason is that the substances in the diet pills you took only caused you to dehydrate; they did not actually remove the unnecessary fat that needed to be removed. Once you regained the lost water, you went back to where you started.
Fast Track Diets
A fast track diet is a diet that seems convincing, but very untrue with its logic. The common fast track diet is one that makes you eat less or eat only a single kind of food for a set period of time — for instance, you are instructed to eat only bananas for a few weeks or take only cucumbers or water just to ease your hunger. This kind of diet only endangers your health.
A proper diet is composed of many kinds of food served in balanced portions. The body needs a lot of nutrients from a lot of sources. The best fast track diet programs are the ones that regulate your calorie intake based on your lifestyle and will not make you feel deprived of food. A diet is more realistic if it says that you should eat often, but less in terms of portions. This way you will not have hunger pangs that will only have you binge-eating after. This of course should be complemented with exercises to achieve rapid weight loss.
Slimming Soap
This is a great idea, only if the slimming soap weighed at least 5 pounds, as you can get a good workout as you scrub yourself clean. Picking up the soap now and then would be equivalent to some form of weight training. Seriously, though, how can slimming soaps magically extract the excess fat from your body from without and not from within?
Keep in mind, proper food intake complemented by sweaty exercises are the routes taken to arrive at a slimmer body. You can keep it that way for as long as you like or slack off a little from time to time. Once you become used to managing your weight through proper diet and exercise, you won’t even have the time of day to even read the hype about those ridiculous methods or products.

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