Relieving Headache – Back Of Head and Neck

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Relieving Headache – Back Of Head and Neck

Are you struggling with severe migraines and headaches? Back of head and neck are the most common location affected by headache and migraine pain. According to medical resources online, millions of Americans are affected by headaches and migraines. Unfortunately, women are mostly affected.

Many doctors would say that headache related symptoms are accountable for the majority of doctors’ visitations. As for pain relievers and analgesics bought over the counter or with prescription, these drugs are soaring in number each year.

It is imperative that we understand what causes headaches, its types, symptoms and the different headache cures available in order for us to alleviate headaches and migraines. As far as I know, there are three types of headaches. They are classified as tension, migraine and cluster.

The first one is tension headaches. This type of headache is related to stress and muscle contraction. Tension headaches sufferers can be feel the pain in the forehead, temples, back of head and neck. The pain develops when there is restriction in the blood flow at some point in muscle tension.

The second type of headaches is referred to as migraines. It happens when there is an abnormal increase and contraction of the blood vessels found in and around the cerebral area. Generally, people who suffer from migraines have auras. Aura is described to be a flashing of light, blind spots or loss of peripheral vision. It is important to remember that the last one (loss of peripheral vision) is just temporary. On the other hand, the pain can also be described as throbbing and pulsating. The pain can last for hours or days for some people. Other symptoms associated with migraines are nausea and vomiting, unilateral headache, numbness or tingling sensations and even sleep disturbances.

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The last type of headaches is known as Cluster headaches. Why clusters? The name actually defines itself. These type strikes in a group or cluster. It can occur for a few hours or it may come back for days, weeks or if you’re unlucky even months. Characteristically this group of headaches happens at hours of darkness or at daybreak. Normally the pain is felt around or at the rear end of one eye. Yes, women are more likely to have headaches. Conversely, with this type men are mostly affected. Usually the attack happens in people who are in their 20’s or 30’s.

Certainly, headaches have three types. It is important that you distinguished which type of headache you are having. There are so many over the counter pain relievers and analgesics that you can buy. However, it is still best to consult a reputable doctor to accurately diagnose your headaches. Don’t take the headaches symptoms for granted. Love your health!

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